Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Girls March With 'Slut Walk': No, I'm Not Making That Up

Where do I even begin here.

'Slut Walk'? Is that someone's idea of a really bad joke? It sounds like some VERY confused young girls (women would know better) have latched onto a REALLY stupid idea.

Having read the article MANY, MANY times it seems these women are standing up in defense of women who were sexually assaulted and were accused of being "sluts" to justify the attack.

First of all, not all sexual assaults have anything to do with assault. Hell, I've seen very many rape charges that pretty much boiled down to a misunderstanding, bruised feelings, pride, or just plain vindictiveness, especially in the absence of ANY physical evidence. Further, I've seen others made from women who were quite frankly an ABSOLUTE MESS. Drunk, half-asleep, passed out, breasts falling out of their FAR TOO SMALL top, missing a shoe, and struggling to even identify or describe who they had sex with, where they were or what happened when, and no, there was no evidence of them being drugged.

Pretty tough for the police to arrest a man when you can't even tell us what happened, when you were with him, never mind what he looked like or what he did that was illegal. I'll leave out the fact that throwing yourself at the alpha male in the bar while wearing a cut-to-your-navel top and a pin saying "I like to F--k" is going to lead to a guy thinking you'll sleep with him in the near future. And if you think that doesn't happen, you didn't read the Ben Rothlesburger case very closely.

These ladies seem to be parading around the fact that women should be able to dress however they want, whenever they want and that however they are dressed, 1) that does not make them a 'slut,' and 2) being a slut does not justify sexual assault.

#1 - Yes, you can dress however you want - this is the United States of America and you can dress in whatever you like. Welcome to Freedom. But guess what? Women dress to show off their figure (or perhaps hide it) and this attracts men (or repulses them) depending on the shape of the female's body and the clothing covering it. This is just mother nature. We are mammals and that's what we do. Look it up. Its science. That said, if you dress VERY provocatively, men, right or wrong, are going to think you're cruising for some physical affection; further men are going to be VERY turned on, in a VERY PRIMAL way if you are a very well-built woman. EXPECT IT. Women are VERY intuitive. They can see men stare. They know goddamn well what reaction they're causing... that's what they're after in most cases.

If you are dressed provocatively enough, many men will consider what you're wearing to be simply TOO revealing. And men HAVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE THAT JUDGEMENT. TELLING YOU that judgement may be rude or undeserved, but it is their opinion and may I remind you, that a woman who sleeps around WILL RUIN A MAN FOR LIFE if he's one of the men that sleeps with her - he will be forced to support "his" baby (that she keeps and raises). And guess what? Men don't like to be bankrupted by a child they didn't want and further, they don't like to be cheated on. So any hints that this woman sleeps around or could be unfaithful, is rather important to men; a woman with children that may or may not be yours, a woman who has incentive to lie, cheat or steal is NOT someone you want to sleep with. This has always concerned men. Dress too provocatively and men will think you may be sexy and worth having sex with, BUT ARE NOT A WOMAN WORTH COMMITTING TO. Men have the right to make that judgement and further, they should and they must.

#2 - No, looking like a 'slut' DOES NOT justify any assault of any kind. But I am forced to reiterate an older point. When you dress like a 'slut' you are inviting attention. Some of that attention is good - alpha males want you. And some of it is bad - sleazy, desperate, crazy men also want you. Now, women want to breed with the best mate they can find - again, this is entirely natural of them. And to do that you need attention and that means casting a wide net. I would further argue that the discriminatory practices of the feminazis have REMOVED good, earning, potential mates for women and that has made them MORE competitive with one another for the remaining men and that means dressing more provocatively. That said, drawing attention, especially sexual attention in heavy doses IS NOT in women's best interests. Period. In the old days (as few as 10 or 15 years ago), MODESTY in a woman was considered by many men to be attractive. And given there were plenty of men to choose from, women didn't have to try hard to 'attract' one. If anything, a form-fitting, or slightly form-fitting outfit is plenty to let men see your figure. Trust me. Every man I've ever known could make out a woman's shape in anything better than a burlap sack. Women used to know that. Today they dress like a dime store prostitute and scream at anyone that suggests they could be sending the 'wrong' message. That message is; I'm advertising for sex: interested? And when men try to have sex with them and succeed and then ditch them, these women are emotionally scarred and bitter - frankly, wake up ladies. Wearing what amounts to slightly larger than normal underwear is like giving a robber the address to an unguarded bank: expect him to show up, gun drawn. In other words, respect men's instincts. And don't expect to 'control' a man or his behavior. He's not a woman. You can't just verbally 'massage' the right response from him. He probably doesn't know and doesn't care what the Hell you're talking about. He motivated by hormones. Respect that. Its not asking too much.

Another reason for the extremism in many women's dress is their own insecurity and anxiety. To feel attractive, to feel desired and wanted, is very important to most women. To gather the attention of many men makes many women feel better about themselves and of course, allays any self-doubt they may have about their appearance. Men used to be allowed to be forward and aggressive with women and while I'm sure this was annoying, it did not leave a lot of women who were unsure about their sexual attractiveness.

Today men can do nothing. Hell, staring is practically a crime. I'm not kidding.

With even looking at women being frowned upon, with men castrated in the classroom, with divorce laws RUINING men for life, with college campuses calling a sly grin a form of sexual misconduct, with sexual harassment laws that make it illegal to even imagine women in a sexual way in the office, men have simply been put off from women most, if not all, of the time. They have largely regressed, shrunken from, and abandoned their aggressive nature with women altogether (note 'aggressive' in courting and romancing; aggressive does not entail assault).

Women are have simply become a woven basket of complexities. Men want them, but courting rituals are like the tax code in Rome. You can gawk at her... now.. oh... now. Now, but not..... wrong time. NOW! Missed it. Now she thinks you're a wuss who doesn't know how to conquer a woman like an alpha man should. Try again.....Oh, that was wrong again. Now you've offended her. Whups. Start over. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200 dollars. You may touch her... now. Whups, not yet. Too soon. Start over. Actually, you have to ask permission as your are on a college campus and you will be prosecuted if you don't. And if she's drunk (pretty common these days) and goes 'too far,' you could be accused of rape and prosecuted. That is a felony. You will go to jail; you will have to check the 'felony' box on every job application you ever fill out. Oh, you say she may have been a little drunk and giggled when you grabbed her butt? That doesn't matter. You should've stopped and taken her straight home so she wouldn't have any regrets the next day. You're a man which means you're supposed to be her lover and father all at the same time and know which one she needs and when.

Men's response? What video games are available for sale, sir?

Do you blame them? I don't.

Yes, men have largely checked out. Women dominate work, they dominate home, and getting close to them requires that you think as they do, that you practically be one of them.

Respectfully, no thanks. How about I be a man and you be a woman and we do this the "old fashioned" way? If not, then you need to find some other guy.

'Slut Walk': feminist folly
This is idiocy, not liberation
May 11, 2011

Have you heard about the "slut walks" sweeping the globe?

No, they aren't being organized by frat boys. Quite the opposite: Thank the gals in the so-called feminist movement for this one.

Toronto, Ottawa, Boston, Dallas and London have all seen "slut walks" in recent weeks, with 24 more planned around the world. It was all spawned by a Toronto police officer's boneheaded comment at a January campus-safety forum that "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized."

Women bear responsibility for their rapes? OK, anger at that notion is plenty righteous. So, the Toronto slut walk was born to demand respect for sexual-assault victims. But the idea that being a "slut" is a bad thing also raised ire -- it's why the Toronto organizers announced on their Web site that they were "tired of being oppressed by slut-shaming; of being judged by our sexuality. [We are] taking the [the word slut] back."
Walk of weirdness: Scantily clad 'feminists' romping against rape Saturday in Boston. More 'slut walks' are planned around the world. -
Walk of weirdness: Scantily clad "feminists" romping against rape Saturday in Boston. More "slut walks" are planned around the world.

Just what the women of the world have been clamoring for: to call themselves sluts.

No wonder a 2008 Daily Beast poll found that just 20 percent of women call themselves "feminists," and only 17 percent would want their daughters to use the label.

Want to cringe some more? A Slut Walk Boston organizer told a reporter, "We are using these efforts to reclaim the word 'slut.' " So at one event after another, women held up signs saying, "Proud Slut," "Sluts Say Yes" and "Slut Pride." They marched in bras and fishnet stockings, some with the word "slut" scrawled on their bodies with lipstick.

And slut-supporting men beamed in their "I love sluts" T-shirts. You bet they do.

In Boston, feminist writer Jaclyn Friedman bellowed, "Today we all march under the banner of sluthood!" In Ottawa, revelers chanted, "Slut, slut. Ho, ho. Yes means yes, and no means no!" The Web site "Feministing" described the slut walks as a "movement," with one blogger saying, "Sign me up for Team Sluts." The Slut Walk DC Web site boasts a banner, "Reclaiming the word slut."

This is supposed to pass as progress for women?

Slut-walk defenders say that they're being ironic, that it's supposed to be funny that women are turning a word used to dehumanize them into a badge of pride.

If you don't like the slut walks, then you just don't get the hilarity of women debasing themselves in the name of empowerment.

OK, the early feminists -- from whom the imposters ruining the movement claim to descend -- did manage to turn the pejorative "suffragette," coined to mock the seekers of equality, into a positive word. But a name that meant to mock is different than a word meant to dehumanize.

Here's a prediction: Feminists will no sooner turn "slut" into a positive word outside their ever-shrinking bubble than African-Americans who call each other the "N-word" have taken away the sting of that dehumanizing epithet. Some words should be retired for good.

And many gays may now march proudly as "queer" -- but plenty still bristle when an outsider uses the word. That's unlikely to change, considering the original intent of it.

Sex-positive feminist icon Erica Jong presciently told writer Ariel Levy in 2003: "I was standing in the shower the other day, picking up my shampoo. It's called 'Dumb Blonde.' I thought, '30 years ago you could not have sold this.' I think we have lost consciousness of the way our culture demeans women. Let's not kid ourselves that this is liberation."

Yes, please, and let's not pretend that women holding "slut walks" is a step forward for womankind or will in any way change the treatment of rape victims.

While the so-called feminists are tarting up themselves to reclaim a vile, misogynist word, perhaps the rest of us should fight to reclaim the word "feminism" and return it to its roots of working for true equality.

If we leave it to this gang, we're screwed.


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